Home and Living Supporting Evidence Form

This is the first step letting the NDIS know that you have a new goal around home and living.

Image description: Supporting evidence form - home and living

What do I need to consider?

If you are keen to explore options for home you need to have a goal around home and living, in your NDIS plan. To signal to the NDIS that you have a changed goal around home and living, you will need to complete the ‘Home and Living Supporting Evidence Form’.

We recommend you ask someone who knows you well to help you complete this form. Although it looks simple, there is a lot of information required by the NDIS to make a decision about your home and living support needs. You can ask trusted family, friends, your Circle of Support or Microboard or an NDIS service provider, Support Coordinator/Recovery Coach (however make sure you choose someone knowledgeable about NDIS housing processes).   NACBO have ILO Mentors/Navigators available across Australia who can also assist you with this step.

This form will go to a separate Home and Living Team within the NDIS who will determine if an ILO is right for you. If they think this is a good option, they will add funding to your next NDIS plan for the Exploration and Design Stage, so you can get assistance with designing your ILO that will best achieve your goals.

If you want an early plan or unscheduled plan review, this form should be submitted alongside a ‘Change of Situation or Change of Details Form’. This will trigger a full plan review (of all your funding, not just those related to home), so ensure you are prepared for this before sending the form to the NDIS.

If you would rather wait until your next scheduled plan review and not disrupt your existing supports and services, you can send this form to NDIS within 100 days of the end date on your current plan. This will then be considered as part of your scheduled plan review. Also, bring a copy to your plan review meeting as paperwork can often be missed in the plan review process.

If you have recently (within 3 months) had a plan review and you are unhappy with the outcome, you can ‘Request a Review of a Decision’ and submit the ‘Home and Living Supporting Evidence Form’ to be considered at the same time.

All forms should be emailed to and are assessed by an internal NDIS Home and Living Team. The team will use the information in this form to decide whether ILO could be the right model for you, and will determine a funding level for the Exploration and Design of your ILO Supports.

There is no specified time frame for the NDIS to make a decision on your ‘Home and Living Supporting Evidence Form’. Some people get a response within a few weeks, for others, it can take months. If you want to check on the progress, you can contact the NDIS by calling 1800 800 110, accessing online webchat, emailing or going into your local NDIS or LAC Partner office. We have found going into the local office face-to-face the most effective, however, this may not always be physically possible.

NACBO have developed a comprehensive ‘Hint Sheet’ to help you work through the ‘Home and Living Supporting Evidence Form’:


Ensure you provide a detailed and thorough picture of your situation for the NDIS by filling in the boxes provided. Remember that the person reading this form in the NDIS Home and Living Team has never met you, will likely never meet you, and is making a decision about your funding based only on what you include in this form and any other evidence you provide alongside it.

Evidence to include with your Home & Living Supporting Evidence form:

Before you submit your form to the NDIS, think about any other evidence you could include to help the NDIS make a decision:

  • OT Functional Assessment (current or within 12-18 months if it still accurately reflects your needs)
  • Carer Impact Statement
  • Carer Checklist
  • Therapy reports (speech, physiotherapy, psychology, behaviour support clinician) that may provide relevant detail to support what you’ve written in the form
  • Copies of incident reports if relevant to why you want a change around home
  • Provide a detailed and thorough picture of who you are and your situation for the NDIS by filling in the boxes provided on the form – but don’t be scared to add more! You can include a personalised ‘About Me’ video, or a cover letter giving a picture of who you are and why living in your own place is important for you.

    Remember that the person reading this form in the NDIS Home and Living Team has never met you, will likely never meet you, and will be making decisions about your ILO funding based on what you include in this form and any other evidence you provide alongside it.

Resources that can help you through this process:

Need Support With ILO?

NACBO have dedicated staff available across Australia who can assist you through the various stages of this process.

Click ‘Get Support’ to find your nearest contact.

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